Recorded in a quaint village hall...
06 · 02 · 2025
Yorkshire musician Natalie Wildgoose has released her new track ‘Angel’.
The artist’s delicate touch and expressive melodies have captivated audiences, with some making comparisons to Molly Drake and elements of Jessica Pratt’s work.
Her forthcoming EP ‘Come Into The Garden’ will be available on March 6th, with the title track having been released late last year. As winter still holds its grip, new single ‘Angel’ offers a fittingly frosty vibe.
The delicate piano melody supports a softly spoken incantation, with Natalie’s tenderness shining as her strength. It appears to have been captured in a village hall when the temperature hovered just above freezing, giving ‘Angel’ a profound intimacy—listening to it evokes an image of her breath rising in clouds above the piano.
Natalie shares...
This song was composed in the depths of winter in North Yorkshire. I found myself alone in the village hall, playing the WI choir piano, enveloped by a deep silence. The icy room inspired me to play as long as my fingers could handle it.
The journey back home felt surreal—a thick layer of white snow covered the road, intertwining with patches of black ice, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. Just then, as if on cue, a gust of wind blew away the clouds, unveiling a brilliant blue sky above.
While the speed limit was 60 mph, I opted for half that pace, valuing caution over speed. In that tranquility, I realized how refreshing it was to move through life more slowly and to stop racing against time. This song embodies that feeling—a desire to offer solace to those navigating the hurried pace of a busy world.
Listen now.
Photo Credit: Matthew Robinson
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