A significant milestone for the Washington State rapper...
28 · 02 · 2025
JOSIAHDAVIS has released his newest album, ‘IN TRANSIT.’
Venturing into a more melodic style of rap, the Washington State artist takes a crucial step in his career. Combining moody, pop-infused beats, the 12-track album captures the angst and vitality of early adulthood, blending autotune with catchy hooks. The standout track ‘DO WHAT I CAN’ exemplifies this, featuring introspective storytelling alongside R&B-influenced vocals.
Over the past year, JOSIAHDAVIS has crafted his most cohesive work to date, collaborating with new talents in the process. Having toured with Hobo Johnson, the rapper has connected with audiences far and wide, bringing a taste of the Pacific Northwest’s underground scene.
Regarding the album, JOSIAHDAVIS states: “IN TRANSIT. is an album about transformation – evolving mentally, physically, and for the better. I created the entire album in my basement, by myself, at my desk. I believe this adds to its authenticity, as I produced most of it with just my thoughts and my software.”
Listen now.
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