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Alessia Cara - Amore e Iperbole

Alessia Cara - Amore e Iperbole

      Album Review

      4 Stars - A guide to timing, coming to terms with the past, and welcoming an unwritten future.

      Reviewer: Emily Savage

      Released: 14th February 2025

      Label: Def Jam

      Alessia Cara’s fourth studio album celebrates both artistic and personal evolution. Since her 2015 debut with the hit ‘Here,’ her emotionally insightful songwriting has resonated with wallflowers and introverts alike, and on ‘Love & Hyperbole,’ Alessia reveals her most vulnerable and confident self. This record portrays a journey of self-fulfillment, encompassing the full range of emotions—from confronting anxiety and isolation in ‘Outside’ to experiencing the bliss of unconditional love in ‘(Isn’t It) Obvious.’ Spanning 14 tracks, it provides a compelling glimpse into Alessia’s growth in thematic and sonic depth. The album fuses jazz-inspired arrangements with her distinct pop style; lively horn sections and shimmering piano melodies enhance vivid imagery that explores uncharted emotional depths. While ‘Get To You’ grapples with the futility of a failing romance, ‘Garden’ and ‘Fire’ celebrate the thrilling sparks of new beginnings. Grounded by infectious basslines, alluring strings, and catchy hooks, this record serves as a lesson in timing, acceptance of the past, and the excitement of an unwritten future.

Alessia Cara - Amore e Iperbole

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Alessia Cara - Amore e Iperbole

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